Old Money Home Decor Inspiration

Old Money Home Decor Inspiration

When designing an Old Money-inspired home, opt for timeless pieces that evoke sophistication and pedigree. Think classic shapes, natural materials, and muted tones. The key is to keep things simple but high quality.


Invest in well-made furniture with clean lines and minimal ornamentation. Antiques, especially those made of solid wood, are ideal. Brands like Baker, Henkel Harris and Hickory Chair are renowned for their craftsmanship and style. For seating, a Chesterfield sofa, wingback chairs, and tufted ottomans can’t be beat.


Rich fabrics in solids or small prints, like chintz, damask, linen, and wool, are quintessential. For drapery, opt for heavy fabrics like velvet, silk or brocade. Avoid anything too shiny or geometric. Stick to classic patterns like paisley, fleur de lis, lattice, or herringbone.


Hardwood floors, especially oak, mahogany and walnut, impart a sense of history. Area rugs can provide warmth and visual interest. Persian or oriental rugs are time-honored choices, but simple wool rugs also work well. Marble or stone are elegant options for entryways.


Crystal chandeliers, sconces, table and floor lamps made of brass, silver or porcelain instantly elevate a space. Candlelight also lends an ambiance of distinction. Group candles together or place them in decorative candlesticks, lanterns or hurricanes.


For art, focus on portraits, landscapes, still lifes or equestrian themes. Gold-gilded frames complement the esthetic. Display collections of porcelain vases, silver bowls or leather-bound books. A globe, model ship or chess set also make a sophisticated decorative statement.

In summary, privilege pieces with pedigree and a sense of history. A restrained color palette, natural materials, and subtle patterns cultivate timelessness. With the right blend of antiques and investment pieces, you’ll achieve an enviably genteel home that’s fit for an Earl!

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